
Wondering What Happened to the Lil Kinz Webkinz?

here is the list and product Aviva Rock Slider to buy code from an old Ganz document of Lil' Kinz style that were go to be released... but were scrap when Ganz decid not to make the new lil Kinz. Will some of these style be reconsid and introduc as full size Webkinz or small Signatur Webkinz? Only time will tell. Thi list is 100% valid as it wa sent prior to the announc of Polka Back Fish,However. Budgie, Oriole, and Tomato Clown Fish, and then on by on thei were announced.

the younger Webkinz custom and collector probabl have a harder time cope with it,A lthough Ganz ha never come out and said it and probabl never will. but the Lil' Kinz line ha effect been discontinu or put on hiatu is a better phrase for it. Not releas a Lil' Kinz sinc last Juli is veri indic of this, plu the introduct of the Zumbuddi Webkinz line and two new Signatur Webkinz offshoot line is more than enough proof that Ganz' interest ar elsewher in other product lines. The Signatur Webkinz in particular ha skyrocket in popular due to their larger size and softer nature. Other indic proof would be that as of late, bird and fish style have been introduc as normal Webkinz as oppos to Lil' Kinz. If the line wa go to continue, would have thought the Lionfish, Caterpillar, Pink Cockatoo, to name a few, would have been Lil' Kinz instead, as they'r typic smaller anim in nature.

