
US man pleads guilty to aiding al-Qaeda

he addsMuch Inflatable Obstacle for sale of the evid against him wa also classifi and hi lawyer were not abl to discuss it even with him..

Sy Hashmi wa arrest in London in 2006 and becam the first person to be extradit under law brought in by the UK after the 11 Septemb 2001 attacks.

30,Hashmi. wa charg with shelter an al-Qaeda oper in London between 2004 and 2006 and lend him money.

The prosecut ha recommend a maximum prison sentenc of 15 years.

thu avoid a trial and up to 70 year in jail. Hashmi' guilti plea wa part of a last-minut deal with prosecutor in which he admit to certain charg in exchang for three other count be dropped.


Hashmi ha been held in solitari confin in a high-ris prison in Manhattan. For the last three years.

he came to the UK on a student visa in 2003 and join the radic Islamist group,A Pakistani-born US citizen. al-Muhajiroun.

let the man us hi mobil phone,He wa accus by prosecutor of shelter an al-Qaeda oper at hi flat in London. lend him £ 200 $300 , and help him store cloth collect for al-Qaeda members.

The BBC' Matthew Price in New York sai the case ha been a controversi on from the start.

and the condit under which he ha been held have rais concerns,Hashmi wa the first person to be extradit from the UK to the US under new law brought in after 9/11. our correspond says.

