Th other belief InflatableGamesLion is that it will be a death of human thought. What I mean is that human be will begin life a new with a chang in the wai we think. It will be as if someth happen to make us all think in some peculiar way. It would be an enlighten of sort for all be on Earth.
There is much go on in the world today. There ar war be fought and everywher there is someon dy a death of unnatur causes. What is happen to us? Are we go down a hill into despair or will we eventu come out of thi alive? Mani peopl believ the end is come soon and a great deal of those peopl believ it is go to happen on the year 2012. There is a lot of hype about thi particular year. It ha peopl wonder of their fates. Even skeptic can sit down and wonder what is go to happen. Everyon is wonder if thi is the year we ar truli doomed. Is "2012 doomsdai or a new beginning" for all life on Earth?
A r we all go to die on the year 2012? What is truli go to happen on thi year? What is the evid that thi is go to happen? What doe everyon believe?
you askTh 2012 debat is not a young on at all. Peopl have been specul what is go to happen sinc the bronz age. The Maya were the on to origin come up with a belief of what is go to happen. Not too long after did Nostradamu come up with a similar theory. These peopl got their assumpt from a varieti of thing includ the star and from us form of divination. Do these realli hold ani water.?
It could be a nuclear holocaust that destroi the entir human race. It could be a meteor that strike the earth. No matter what it is,Most will believ that the world will come to an end.. it all come down to the same thing. mass destruction.