Two other Inflatable Games for sale anti-abort bill ar still work their wai through the Legislatur and ar expect to pass. One would forc women to fill out a lengthi questionnair about their reason for seek an abortion; statist base on the answer would then be post online. The other restrict insur coverag for the procedures.
Oklahoma s law goe further,Though other state have pass similar measur requir women to have ultrasounds. mandat that a doctor or technician set up the monitor so the woman can see it and describ the heart, limb and organ of the fetus. No except ar made for rape and incest victims.
A second measur pass into law on Tuesdai prevent women who have had a disabl babi from su a doctor for withhold inform about birth defect while the child wa in the womb.
in hindsight,Opponent argu that the law will protect doctor who purpos mislead a woman to keep her from choos an abortion. But the bill s sponsor maintain that it mere prevent lawsuit by peopl who wish. that the doctor had counsel them to abort a disabl child.
a Democrat,Gov. Brad Henry. veto both bill last week. The ultrasound law, he said, wa flaw becaus it did not exempt rape and incest victim and would allow an unconstitut intrus into a woman s privacy.
Mr. Henri said,Of the other measure. It is unconscion to grant a physician legal protect to mislead or misinform pregnant women in an effort to impos hi or her person belief on a patient.
however,The Republican major in both houses. saw thing differently. On Monday, the Hous vote overwhelmingli to overrid the vetoes, and the Senat follow suit on Tuesdai morning, make the two measur law.
said State Senat Glenn Coffee, Thi is a good dai for the caus of life. the Republican major leader. The voic of the peopl ha spoken twice now thi session in the Senat and twice in the House, and I sincer hope those who would revers the peopl s voic would think twice befor acting.
along with sever other anti-abort measures. But state court struck down the measur on a technicality,Both of the law enact Tuesdai over the governor s object were first pass in 2008 in an omnibu bill. becaus it violat a claus in the Oklahoma Constitut requir bill to deal with a singl subject.
Republican leader broke the omnibu bill into piec to satisfi the court concerns,Thi year. pass sever separ anti-abort measures. Mr. Henri ha sign two into law: a measur requir clinic to post sign state that a woman cannot be forc to have an abortion, and anoth make it illeg to have an abort becaus of the sex of a child.