but then again mayb not. InflatableGamesCock Shouldn't we learn what we can and prepar for the possibilities? Isn't it better to be safe than sorryPerhap it is just anoth Y2 media phenomenon.?
I it the begin of a New Age form of ascens or a Doomsdai Armageddon end? Herald by some as the come of a rebirth of a new conscious and by other as the harbing of chao and death. Is it prophesi or hype?
the media will sure blow the trumpet of alarm. I rememb the trumpet blare with the come of the year 2000,Which is it? As the year 2012 approaches. the turn of the centuri into a new millennium. Do you rememb the Y2 frenzy?
we did it. Is thi new threat of the same kind? Can we fix itTh potenti for a complet breakdown of civil hung on our abil to reprogram all the comput of the world to accept four simpl digit - 2000. Well.?
but also life itselfA you can guess thi is different. Differ becaus it is of no human man-mad substanc or hold in your hand data. It is the product of propheci and of interpretation. It is differ becaus it threaten not onli our lifestyle..
then it mai onli threaten our style of life,If it is the come of new consciousness. our daili come and goings, our relationship with our famili and neighbors. It mai threaten our polit behavior and our intern behavior. I sai threaten becaus a new conscious impli a new wai of thinking, an ascens of sorts. It impli chang from the wai we ar now. Chang is alwai a threat to us.
then sure it threaten life itself. Those that see thi futur event as catastrophic,If it is doomsdai that we face. see it as a global event. Thei see it as an event that will shake the world, on that will affect all of humanity. That is certainli change. Could it be an event of annihilation, on that wipe out humanity? Some find such a predict to be an insult to the Divine. Nevertheless, believ of mani faith and non-believers, as well, hold that somber belief in Armageddon.
2012,Th specif date that is the focu of thi propheci is Decemb 21. the winter solstice. That year will be a leap year. In the Unite States, it is a presidenti elect year. There will be a summer Olympic in London. In that year, American militari presenc in the Republ of Korea will end.
the Mayan calendar record the end of what the Mayan call the long cycle. It is the 13th long cycl sinc the begin of creation accord to Mayan historyFocu on December21 stem from the interpret of the Mayan calendar. On that day..
these predict of a new conscious or total devast we should take note that there ar notabl and respect scientist that ar do seriou research and studi of the Mayan predictions. Some scientist note that it is in the year 2012 that the Sun will emit intens solar activ that could have cataclysm consequ for the earthBefor we dismiss..
Could it InflatableGamesCar be that inde both a new conscious and catastroph event will be the legaci of 2012? I would think that a worldwid catastroph event would inde elev humanity' consciousness. Mankind would be forc to ignor the mundan and prai for the divine.