Renowned sculpture artist Louise Bourgeois dies
feminist artist and critic rediscov her art,In the mid-'60s. and although she wa never entir comfort with that affiliation, it acceler a career that previous had been in low gear.
the grand dame of contemporari artist best known for her sculptur and disquiet symbolism,Louis Bourgeois. di Mondai of a heart attack at a hospit in Manhattan. She wa 98.
a prestigi venu in Manhattan' then-intim art world,Sculptur becam Ms. Bourgeois' primari medium after 1945 when the Peridot Gallery. stage her first solo sculptur show. In 1982, Ms. Bourgeoi becam the first femal artist to be honor with a retrospect at the Museum of Modern Art. Subsequ retrospect in 1993 and 2007 that visit major institut in New York, Washington, Lo Angeles, Madrid, London, Pari and St. Petersburg, Russia, consolid her posit as a world figur in art.
which is on view at Galleri Paul Anglim in San Francisco through June 12,Her work. came to the attent to the Bai Area public in 2007 when the San Francisco Art Commiss instal her giant bronz "Crouch Spider" 2003 at Pier 14 on the Embarcadero. It stai until earli 2009. In 1996, the Berkelei Art Museum present a career survei of Ms. Bourgeois' drawings.
a privat symbol of her mother and a celebr of arachnids' crucial predat role in keep the Earth' insect popul in checkMs. Bourgeoi acknowledg that the spider imageri in her art wa a Freudian symbol of femal sexuality..
with a care but invalid mother and an imperious,Sh frequent said her work sprang from consciou and unconsci memori of her childhood. unfaith father.
Boston Celtics happy to follow their littlest leader, Rajon Rondo
Any of the Celtics' Panda Inflatable Bouncers Big Three has heard it. Often. The Cavaliers' LeBron James hears it nightly in Cleveland -- and even earned the actual trophy last week.
But when Rondo heard "M-V-P! M-V-P!" reverberate through the arena as the Celtics were edging toward their 97-87 victory Sunday, it was a new experience.
"That's cool," Rondo shrugged afterward, a grin tugging his lips upward. "[But] the MVP is over with."
Had it been awarded after the postseason, Rondo undoubtedly would have earned votes. He is just 24, in his fourth year in the league, already has one championship ring, and he was the sole reason Boston evened the Eastern Conference semifinals, 2-2, on Sunday. Rondo poured in 29 points on 9-of-21 shooting, dished out 13 assists and even snagged 18 rebounds despite being the shortest player on the court at 6-1.
"The kid wants it and he wants it bad," Celtics forward Kevin Garnett said. "He makes things easy, to be honest. He's driving and putting pressure on the defense. He's very smart. He knows when to stop and go, he knows when to pick up speed, slow it down, call sets. This game was just an extension of his maturity. It was a great win for us, but overall this is a heck of a stat line."
Rondo's Game 4 performance was on par with some of the legendary playoff outings in NBA history, notably Oscar Robertson's 32 points, 19 rebounds and 13 assists in 1963, and Wilt Chamberlain's 29 points, 36 rebounds and 13 assists in 1967.
Happy Meal regulations
if left to their own devices. Sale Club House Combo It is ultim the parent job to either allow these neg eat habit to flourish or educ and control their children themselves. The govern is there to help,Th realiti is that kid will almost alwai opt for fri and a Coke over the option of appl and milk. but not to take the respons off of parents.
2010,A of April 28. Santa Clara Counti offici offici ban toi promot offer with high-calori McDonald s Happi Meals. While thi ban current appli to onli restaur within the counti s jurisdiction, the controversi stand against everyon s favorit powerhous fast food conglomer ha spark much debat from around the nation. The ordinance, Counti Supervisor Ken Yeager claims, aspir to curb the rage trend of childhood obes in America and break the link between unhealthi food and prizes.
a 3-2 vote wa made and April 28 becam a not-so-happi dai for Happi Meals. While said lawmak ar have their fair share of applaus and criticism,Thus. the real question arises: Just how effect is an ordin that ha gain so much nation and intern attention?
in fact,Th kei word is high-calorie. The applic McDonald s restaur will be grant a 90-dai grace period to fix their children s meal menu to meet basic nutrit values. Thi mean that the seemingli radic move to ban toi is. a lot more talk than walk. Restaur will still be allow to offer shini playth with their meal as long as it hit certain nutrit criteria. Ultimately, thi will affect a few restaur within the region at best.
it is not to sai that thi stand against McDonald s is not newsworthy; propon of the ordin will argu that it is a step in the right direction. It is,Now. however, point out the continu unsuccess attempt to regul fast-food chains. From calori chart transpar to regul TV advertising, it ha all, more or less, failed. Restaur sale continu to climb.
however,Th pressur of offer healthier altern alon ha forc fast-food franchis to elimin super-s option and offer more fruit and salad in their meals. The problem. is that McDonald s and the like ar still make monei becaus there ar still parent buying. It is less about how prize tie into the psycholog of food consumpt though, it is relev and more about the food itself and the fact that parent ar either still uninform or possibl just careless.
Strict Abortion Measures Enacted in Oklahoma
Two other Inflatable Games for sale anti-abort bill ar still work their wai through the Legislatur and ar expect to pass. One would forc women to fill out a lengthi questionnair about their reason for seek an abortion; statist base on the answer would then be post online. The other restrict insur coverag for the procedures.
Oklahoma s law goe further,Though other state have pass similar measur requir women to have ultrasounds. mandat that a doctor or technician set up the monitor so the woman can see it and describ the heart, limb and organ of the fetus. No except ar made for rape and incest victims.
A second measur pass into law on Tuesdai prevent women who have had a disabl babi from su a doctor for withhold inform about birth defect while the child wa in the womb.
in hindsight,Opponent argu that the law will protect doctor who purpos mislead a woman to keep her from choos an abortion. But the bill s sponsor maintain that it mere prevent lawsuit by peopl who wish. that the doctor had counsel them to abort a disabl child.
a Democrat,Gov. Brad Henry. veto both bill last week. The ultrasound law, he said, wa flaw becaus it did not exempt rape and incest victim and would allow an unconstitut intrus into a woman s privacy.
Mr. Henri said,Of the other measure. It is unconscion to grant a physician legal protect to mislead or misinform pregnant women in an effort to impos hi or her person belief on a patient.
however,The Republican major in both houses. saw thing differently. On Monday, the Hous vote overwhelmingli to overrid the vetoes, and the Senat follow suit on Tuesdai morning, make the two measur law.
said State Senat Glenn Coffee, Thi is a good dai for the caus of life. the Republican major leader. The voic of the peopl ha spoken twice now thi session in the Senat and twice in the House, and I sincer hope those who would revers the peopl s voic would think twice befor acting.
along with sever other anti-abort measures. But state court struck down the measur on a technicality,Both of the law enact Tuesdai over the governor s object were first pass in 2008 in an omnibu bill. becaus it violat a claus in the Oklahoma Constitut requir bill to deal with a singl subject.
Republican leader broke the omnibu bill into piec to satisfi the court concerns,Thi year. pass sever separ anti-abort measures. Mr. Henri ha sign two into law: a measur requir clinic to post sign state that a woman cannot be forc to have an abortion, and anoth make it illeg to have an abort becaus of the sex of a child.
US man pleads guilty to aiding al-Qaeda
he addsMuch Inflatable Obstacle for sale of the evid against him wa also classifi and hi lawyer were not abl to discuss it even with him..
Sy Hashmi wa arrest in London in 2006 and becam the first person to be extradit under law brought in by the UK after the 11 Septemb 2001 attacks.
30,Hashmi. wa charg with shelter an al-Qaeda oper in London between 2004 and 2006 and lend him money.
The prosecut ha recommend a maximum prison sentenc of 15 years.
thu avoid a trial and up to 70 year in jail. Hashmi' guilti plea wa part of a last-minut deal with prosecutor in which he admit to certain charg in exchang for three other count be dropped.
Hashmi ha been held in solitari confin in a high-ris prison in Manhattan. For the last three years.
he came to the UK on a student visa in 2003 and join the radic Islamist group,A Pakistani-born US citizen. al-Muhajiroun.
let the man us hi mobil phone,He wa accus by prosecutor of shelter an al-Qaeda oper at hi flat in London. lend him £ 200 $300 , and help him store cloth collect for al-Qaeda members.
The BBC' Matthew Price in New York sai the case ha been a controversi on from the start.
and the condit under which he ha been held have rais concerns,Hashmi wa the first person to be extradit from the UK to the US under new law brought in after 9/11. our correspond says.
Sand Boxes, Swing Sets and See Saws All Make Great Play
or rotat around in a full circle, Aviva Saturn Se Saw ar a great wai to teach your kid about scienc and balanc while have fun. Thi toi is perfect for multi-child famili or those that have a lot of young neighbor of friend who like to plai outside. Whether the on you bui just goe up and down. everyon will enjoi take a ride on these awesom see saws. While the see saw us to be made pure of wood, mani advanc have been made and steel tube and metal on now ar on the market. These newer model were creat with safeti in mind as well as comfort for the riders.
these fun toi will have them run around and build muscl without even realiz it! Noth is better than them get in shape and have a good time without realiz it. Thei need fun activ that will keep them busy,There ar so mani outdoor activ toi on the market. Whether you ar look for a wai to entertain your children thi summer or encourag them to increas their level of physic fit and activ thi summer. entertain and awai from the Xbox, Plai Station 3, or Guitar Hero game. You can start get prepar for the upcom long summer dai of fun and freedom by invest in some great piec of equip for outdoor play. If you make the yard fun and inviting, it will be the hit of the neighborhood and all the littl on will come running.
swing set and see saw on the market so you can becom awar of all of the differ featur and model and make an inform decis on thi great invest for your familyTh follow is a buyer s guid for the mani great sand boxes..
Sand Boxes
your littl on will love scooping,Who doesn t love the feel of sand between their hand or toes? Bring the beauti beach of the world to your hous thi summer. With all of the toi made for thi type of activity. shoveling, sift and raking. Thei can get bucket with interest bottom and us them to make beautiful, intric castl in their sand boxes. Adding water to the box make plai in the sand box even more life like. In the comfort of your yard, you don t have to worri about the pail and dig tool be swept awai by the wave and the currents. Everyon is sure to love plai in on of these.
Sw Sets
pole to slide down and scurri up,Residenti swing set current on the market come with all the bell and whistl these days. There is no shortag of amen like wave slide and tube slides. rock wall to climb and move ladder strung togeth with rope. Some unit even allow you to pretend you ar in the circu and hang from trapez bars, perfect your acrobat move for when the big top roll into town. Lot of visual devic ar now option as well includ telescop and periscopes. For those with a larg imagination, steer wheel let you pretend to be a captain of a ship or plane and Tic-Tac-To panel challeng your mind. Fort and picnic bench complet just a small list of uniqu and new featur avail on wooden swing sets. While these great piec can be pricey, thei ar a great investment, as thei will last for mani year to come and provid a lot of great memories.
See Saws
Wondering What Happened to the Lil Kinz Webkinz?
here is the list and product Aviva Rock Slider to buy code from an old Ganz document of Lil' Kinz style that were go to be released... but were scrap when Ganz decid not to make the new lil Kinz. Will some of these style be reconsid and introduc as full size Webkinz or small Signatur Webkinz? Only time will tell. Thi list is 100% valid as it wa sent prior to the announc of Polka Back Fish,However. Budgie, Oriole, and Tomato Clown Fish, and then on by on thei were announced.
the younger Webkinz custom and collector probabl have a harder time cope with it,A lthough Ganz ha never come out and said it and probabl never will. but the Lil' Kinz line ha effect been discontinu or put on hiatu is a better phrase for it. Not releas a Lil' Kinz sinc last Juli is veri indic of this, plu the introduct of the Zumbuddi Webkinz line and two new Signatur Webkinz offshoot line is more than enough proof that Ganz' interest ar elsewher in other product lines. The Signatur Webkinz in particular ha skyrocket in popular due to their larger size and softer nature. Other indic proof would be that as of late, bird and fish style have been introduc as normal Webkinz as oppos to Lil' Kinz. If the line wa go to continue, would have thought the Lionfish, Caterpillar, Pink Cockatoo, to name a few, would have been Lil' Kinz instead, as they'r typic smaller anim in nature.