So you actual need to hear a sampl of what thei do. Inflatable Boat I know on produc that ALWA YS buri the vocal so peopl have to strain to make it out. That is hi style and technique. Great for some style but not for mainstream pop music.
there come a time in your career that you have to realiz and admit that you can t do absolut everyth and do it better than someon else. As good as you might be as a musician; there is someon out there that is better. As knowledg as you ar in the in and out of product there mai still come a time where you need to hire a music produc to get the result you ar afterNo matter how good you are..
that is precis why a good artist might do fine on their own but a great artist know that he ha to step back and do a hand off. Think about football. It s not often that on gui get the ball and scores. He ha gotten help and assist from the other member of the teamIn my own experi I find that peopl often ar a littl to close to their own project to be abl to be object and get the best out of it that thei can get. In my own humbl opinion..
often for a fraction of the costThi is precis why place like myMusicCircl ar becom so popular. You no longer need to "know" somebody. By the same token you no longer need to live in a music hot spot or make the trek there to take advantag of the talent. The Internet allow you to do that on line and get the best you can find..
So how doe on hire a music produc and know that you ar get the best that you can get?
Th best advic is that you can ask the person that you ar consid for a combin of refer from prior client and come hard copi to listen to so you can see what hi "sound" is like.
it s not go to be so goodEveryon ha a certain style that reflect in the wai thei do everyth from talk to producing. One produc might love hot and heavi bass. That s great if you ar do a hip-hop CD. But if you ar work on a countri project..