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feminist artist and critic rediscov her art,In the mid-'60s. and although she wa never entir comfort with that affiliation, it acceler a career that previous had been in low gear.
the grand dame of contemporari artist best known for her sculptur and disquiet symbolism,Louis Bourgeois. di Mondai of a heart attack at a hospit in Manhattan. She wa 98.
a prestigi venu in Manhattan' then-intim art world,Sculptur becam Ms. Bourgeois' primari medium after 1945 when the Peridot Gallery. stage her first solo sculptur show. In 1982, Ms. Bourgeoi becam the first femal artist to be honor with a retrospect at the Museum of Modern Art. Subsequ retrospect in 1993 and 2007 that visit major institut in New York, Washington, Lo Angeles, Madrid, London, Pari and St. Petersburg, Russia, consolid her posit as a world figur in art.
which is on view at Galleri Paul Anglim in San Francisco through June 12,Her work. came to the attent to the Bai Area public in 2007 when the San Francisco Art Commiss instal her giant bronz "Crouch Spider" 2003 at Pier 14 on the Embarcadero. It stai until earli 2009. In 1996, the Berkelei Art Museum present a career survei of Ms. Bourgeois' drawings.
a privat symbol of her mother and a celebr of arachnids' crucial predat role in keep the Earth' insect popul in checkMs. Bourgeoi acknowledg that the spider imageri in her art wa a Freudian symbol of femal sexuality..
with a care but invalid mother and an imperious,Sh frequent said her work sprang from consciou and unconsci memori of her childhood. unfaith father.